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2016-10-08: Release of v0.9.16005

-bug fixes
-removed Freelancer campaign

2016-09-21: Release of v0.9.15997

-bug fixes

2016-06-14: Release of v0.9.15985

-recorder and record player (alpha)
-bug fixes

2015-12-20: Release of v0.9.15390

-script debugger
-work on the Freelancer campaign continued
-bug fixes

2015-08-16: Release of v0.9.13448

-bug fix for glsl shader

2015-07-31: Release of v0.9.13406

-work on the Freelancer campaign continued
-all new Linux 64-bit version!
-increased loading speed

2015-07-04: Release of v0.9.12899

-bug fixes
-work on the Freelancer campaign continued
-set default shared object path (to '.') in Linux version (rpath option)

2015-06-19: Release of v0.9.12790

-work on the Freelancer campaign continued (you can now buy and sell goods)

2015-05-28: Release of v0.9.12696

-bug fixes
-work on the Freelancer campaign continued
-update function improved

2015-04-26: Release of v0.9.12552

-bug fixes
-work on the Freelancer campaign continued

2015-04-05: Release of v0.9.12324

-bug fixes
-work on the Freelancer campaign continued

2015-01-28: Release of v0.9.11759

-bug fixes
-work on the Freelancer campaign continued

2015-01-28: Release of v0.9.11404

-bug fixes
-additional particle effects on global fog areas
-work on the Freelancer campaign continued

2015-01-12: Release of v0.9.10936

-bug fixes
-modified cockpits
-work on the Freelancer campaign

2014-12-30: Release of v0.9.10697

-bug fixes

2014-12-23: Release of v0.9.10581

-Merry Christmas to everyone!
-progress on Economics

2014-12-13: Release of v0.9.10206

-bug fixes

2014-12-05: Release of v0.9.10100

-ship devices
-ship hangar (for modify the ship, add/sell devices)
-minor bug fixes

2014-10-29: Release of v0.9.9152

-minor bug fixes

2014-10-21: Release of v0.9.8898

-now with DirectX (Windows only, set in the GFX settings in the main menu)
-marker on all ships
-minor bug fixes

2014-09-26: Release of v0.9.8481

-shockwave when a ship enters hyperspace
-minor bug fixes

2014-09-24: Release of v0.9.8416

-completely reworked post processing framework
-a new mission (battle 2, mission 6)
-model animations (glider)
-new sound system for planetary missions
-lightning and thunder effect

2014-07-02: Release of v0.9.6750

-minor visual improvements
-bug fixes (missing files, compile problems on Linux)

2014-07-01: Release of v0.9.6730

-several weather effects
-slightly enhanced joystick/gamepad control
-new explosion effects
-some new models
-updated homepage
-bug fixes

2014-05-04: Release of v0.9.6221

-area "The City" has now traffic
-performance tuning
-some new models
-bug fixes

2014-03-30: Release of v0.9.6024

-new area "The City"
-performance tuning
-added more loading screens, finished main campaign!
-bug fixes

2014-02-23: Release of v0.9.5373

-new model for Spacer fighter
-moving cockpits
-added more loading screens
-bug fixes

2014-01-21: Release of v0.9.5264

-finished the main campaign
-added loading screens
-bug fixes

2014-01-01: Release of v0.9.5027

-happy new year! -shader postprocessing also in bases
-bug fixes

2013-12-29: Release of v0.9.4996

-added engine tails (and for hyperspace jumps)
-added final mission to the main campaign (only the extro to do!)
-bug fixes

2013-11-30: Release of v0.9.4797

-mission generator in SingleMission and TrainingSimulator
-added two new missions to the main campaign
-bug fixes

2013-10-31: Release of v0.9.4594

-smaller bug fixes

2013-10-29: Release of v0.9.4586

-implemented postprocessing shader effects
-added two new missions to the main campaign
-smaller bug fixes

2013-09-28: Release of v0.9.3902

-added a movie and two missions to the main campaign
-path movement of camera and target is stopped, when you set the cam/target position by an other action function
-basic object data may be set also for rockets (VisibleAtStart and Flags)
-bug fix in mission C2M4
-mission type movie can be set in editor
-update of the homepage (news and features)

2013-09-11: Release of v0.9.3891

-briefing music is editable in the briefing editor
-debriefing music (win and lose) is editable in the debriefing editor
-update of the homepage

2013-09-08: Homepage online

-homepage put to sourceforge