Download area
There are several versions of the game. Please select the one, that fits to your system and you like most.
A connection to the internet is required, when you start the game the first time. See Notes (at the end of this side) for details.
When you are lazy, you want an installer. This one requires admin rights to create a start menu folder and to put some links to the executables there. You can select where to copy the game and whether to create a start menu entry and/or a desktop icon.
But, you may be allergic to automatic installers and never ever give anyone admin rights. In this case, you will love the zip file. Download it, create a folder and extract the zip there. Then, you can run the game as file. Note, that you can start the game with the parameter -d to run the game in debug mode. This is very useful, when you want to create own missions.
Zip file
When you encounter any errors or are a developer, that need more informations about the game state, you may download the debug version. In this zip file is just the executable file, you require all the data of a standard installation. When you run the debug version, you get a console with additional infos.
Debug version
Sorry, folks, there is no installer for linux. When you are able to create such an installer, that runs in most distros, and would do it, then contact me please. I would be really happy about that. 
Here you can download a zip file with the linux version. Download it, create a folder and extract the zip there. Then, you can run the game. Note, that you can start the game with the parameter -d to run the game in debug mode. This is very useful, when you want to create own missions.
Linux 64-bit version
Linux 32-bit version
Whatever version you download and install, it will be just a base package. When you run the game the first time, it will check the internet ( for the complete package (about 500MB). So, take a break, drink some coffee, speak to your mate... 
Once this download is finished, you can play the game. Later on, it will check once a week for updates. (You may prevent this by modifying the file data/options.xml .)